19 September, 2008

West Pac 2007

So I watched my heart, my husband.. My life sail away. It was hard. But it didn't hit me until I saw the ship moving away from the pier. I had a wonderful friend, by the name of Emily, there with me. Her husband was currently Deployed. She let Will and I stay at her house the week leading up to Deployment. Was at the pier with me. Took pictures for me. And then treated me to lunch.

I was probably the last one on the pier. Once they started pulling away, we walked down to the end, more like ran, of the pier. I watched him sail away until I couldn't see them very well. All the way past the Coronado/San Diego Bay Bridge.

I was heart broken.

Emily treated me to lunch at Olive Garden. I hated to "dine-and-dash" but I felt like I had to go home. To my mom. To my comfort. So after lunch, I packed up and off I went.

I wasn't too far into my drive when I get my first deployment e-mail from him. I checked it on my phone [my phone quickly became my best friend]. It broke my heart and I finally broke down and cried a little. I am surprised at how much I did NOT cry. I held it together pretty good. But I don't expect that to happen this 2nd time around.

At the time-The Deployment went by slow. But looking back-It flew by.

I dealt with a lot. He dealt with a lot. He shut down because he was depressed and couldn't take it. That killed me. I got so scared. But I understand.

He ported in Singapore a lot. And also saw Malaysia, India, Hong Kong.. And possibly one or two other places I cannot remember. Singapore was his favorite. He can't wait to go back and wants to take me there on vacation. In Malaysia, he got to go to an orphanage and play with the children there, he loved that. India he hated. It was dirty, you couldn't drink the water.. But he had alcohol, and probably had ice which made him sicker then a dog. And Hong Kong he didn't really check out much. Said it's more of a "single guys" place. *shrug*

On the home front, I had a lot on my plate. I was dealing with a lot of drama from "friends". I was taking a class on-line. I was living at home, waiting to move. Then I was packing and making sure Wills mom had all his stuff ready for me to move. And then my dad got sick in May. Ended up VERY sick and was in the Hospital for 6 weeks. In the middle of that, we got the call that our house was ready. So now I had to figure out how to move with my dad in the Hospital at UCLA and my mom by his side the whole time.

Thank God for older brothers and awesome friends and family. I packed up my Mustang on June 29th with as much as I could and picked up my keys. I had found a friend on MySpace who's husband was on the same ship as Will. And a few weeks before I moved, she took a bunch of boxes back to SD with her for us. So she came over with those boxes. And that Saturday my brother and his GF and a friend loaded up the trucks with my bedroom furniture and a few other small things and drove out to San Diego where my other brother and my Aunt came out to help as well. And we got everything moved.

I slowly but surely got the house together. We didn't have much, but we had more then I thought we'd have. And we had enough to survive!

I kept busy the last 3 months with my friends in-home day care. I helped her often, went on field trips and just hung out around the house with her and her toddler. I am a sucker for kids, so any where there's kiddos, I am there!

September was creeping up on us fast!!

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